Free Rides for Transit Equity Day 2025
Effective, Tuesday, February 4, 2025
To celebrate and honor the iconic Rosa Parks and her contributions to the civil rights movement, SolTrans will not collect fares on Local, SolanoExpress (Blue, Green, Red, Yellow, and 82), and Paratransit services on February 4 – Rosa Parks’ birthday.
On December 1, 1955, police arrested Rosa Parks after she refused to give up a seat on a city bus to a white person in segregated Montgomery, Ala. Her courageous actions led to a U.S. Supreme Court decision declaring segregation unconstitutional on public transit systems.
Access to public transportation is access to opportunity, and SolTrans is committed to transit equity. SolTrans has a seat dedicated to the memory of Rose Parks on Local bus number 4100.
Please do not tag your Clipper card or activate your mobile pass prior to boarding on Tuesday, February 4, 2025. All passengers ride free.

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